

主任医师 | 眼科









1.白内障的发病机制研究; 2.各种玻璃体视网膜疾病的新疗法,特别是糖尿病性视网膜病变的治疗新技术、新进展等。


发表论文30余篇,完成及参与多项科研课题,2项研究成果获省科技进步奖。主持完成了省科技厅的课题《蓝光吸收型人工晶体对血视网膜屏障及视网膜色素上皮的保护作用及临床推广应用》,并主持完成了浙江省教委课题《复杂性白内障的临床研究》。         主要的论文:         1.Zhu L, Ke Z, Lou D. Apoptosis Factors of Lens Epithelial Cells Responsible for Cataractogenesis in Vitrectomized Eyes with Silicone Oil Tamponade[J]. Medical Science Monitor International Medical Journal of Experimental & Clinical Research, 2016, 22:788-796.         2.Dong F, Yu C, Ding H, et al. Evaluation of Intravitreal Ranibizumab on the Surgical Outcome for Diabetic Retinopathy With Tractional Retinal Detachment.[J]. Medicine, 2016, 95(8).         3.Zhu L, Wu Z, Dong F, et al. Two kinds of ocular trauma score for paediatric traumatic cataract in penetrating eye injuries.[J]. Injury-international Journal of the Care of the Injured, 2015, 238(9):1828-1833.         4.Zhu L, Lou D. Ocular injuries from pressurised bottled drinks in China.[J]. Injury-international Journal of the Care of the Injured, 2014, 45(1):346-7.         5.Dong F, Lou D. MicroRNA-34b/c suppresses uveal melanoma cell proliferation and migration through multiple targets[J]. Molecular Vision, 2012, 18(57-59):537-46.         6.Cui H, Hu R, Zhang Y, et al. Comparison of pseudophakic visual quality in spherical and aspherical intraocular lenses.[J]. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, 2009, 44(3):274-8.         7.Lu H, Lou D H, Zhu L L. Real-time fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction study of polo-like kinase-1 in pterygia.[J]. Journal of International Medical Research, 2009, 37(6):1851-8.         8.Lou D, Tong J P, Zhang L Y, et al. A novel mutation in CRYBB2 responsible for inherited coronary cataract.[J]. Eye, 2008, 23(5):1213-20.         9.Shen L, Tong J, Lou D, et al. [Visual outcome and complications after posterior capsule rupture during phacoemulsification].[J]. [Zhonghua yan ke za zhi] Chinese journal of ophthalmology, 2002, 38(11):674-6.         10.楼定华, 许叶圣, 李毓敏. Sensory exotropia subsequent to senile cataract[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B, 2005, 6(12):1220-2. 




