











该研究在太行山食管癌高发区河南省滑县全县域随机选取 668个行政村,按人口加权后随机分为筛检组和对照组,总样本量3.3万人,采集多维度流行病学数据及多种类生物样本30余万人份。拟通过长期随访对筛检组与随机对照组间晚期食管癌发病率、死因别死亡率、全因死亡率及相关卫生经济学指标进行比较性评估。






采用多中心真实世界研究设计,基于北方食管癌高发区及南方非高发区近6000例食管鳞癌根治术后患者多维度临床大数据及长达10年以上的生存随访,构建并验证了我国食管鳞癌患者根治术后总生存(OS)的个体化预测模型,同时也为术后是否应该进行辅助放、化疗以及什么样的患者能从中获益这一重要临床问题提供了高质量的真实世界证据。在此基础上,进一步对基于腔镜技术微创食管切除术(Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy, MIE传统开放食管切除术(Open Esophagectomy, OE的健康结局进行比较,提出与开放术式相比,微创食管切除术可作为食管癌根治术患者首选术式向临床推荐。此外,还首次提出了由平均红细胞血红蛋白、纤维蛋白原和白蛋白(mean corpuscular hemoglobin, fibrinogen and albumin)三种常见临床血液检查指标构成的食管癌根治术后患者复合预后预测指标“MF-A”,并证实这一指标具有较高临床转化价值。



该系列研究工作将医保系统死因监测系统大数据进行有机整合,创新性地应用于区域全人群水平的癌症发病、现患与生存监测工作。在南、北方两个地区(总人口超过700)开展实证性工作,针对多来源大数据对接癌症新发病例识别个体水平死亡事件抓取等关键环节进行攻关,构建了一整套数据脱敏、清洗、质控、对接、判定、分析、报告的标准流程,并建立了MIS-CASS(Medical-Insurance-System-based Cancer Surveillance System)模式对研究区域的癌症发病率、现患率和患者生存率进行动态监测与报告。经评估,该模式具有区域内全人群覆盖(95%以上)、报告延迟短(<6个月)、数据质量高、运维成本低等优点,且对于人口异质性强且户籍管控严格的区域,可更客观、真实地反映该区域肿瘤相关医疗资源的实际消耗水平与疾病负担。在信息化与大数据时代背景下,为我国癌症等重大疾病的监测工作提供了重要经验和发展方向。


建立基因组、微生物宏基因组与Luminex多通道血清学检测与生物信息分析平台。基于食管癌高发区人群筛查专病队列,开展高规格设计的巢式病例对照研究多时点自身前后对照研究,先后揭示:1)血清中3种肿瘤相关抗原自身抗体与可实现食管恶性病变现患的早期诊断;2)食管内镜活检组织“NOTCH1基因突变“CDKN2A基因缺失可有效预测癌前病变进展为癌的整体风险; 3)口腔11个菌种的分布特征谱与食管恶性病变现患和累积发病风险相关。



以上述科研工作为基础,承担国家科技基础资源调查重点专项、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目、973 计划、北京市自然科学基金京津冀区域合作项目、北京市消化协同中心重点项目等纵向课题与各类公益基金横向课题十余项,科研总经费3700余万元。累计发表科研论文80余篇,其中第一/责任作者英文论文43篇(总IF:376.64),在GUT, Ann Surg, Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, Gastrointest Endosc, J Pathol, Clin Infect Dis, Emerg Infect Dis, Am J Epidemiol, J Clin Epidemiol, Br J Cancer, EClinicalMedicine, EBioMedicine, Lancet Reg Health-WP, Pharmacoeconomics等多个专业领域权威期刊发表系统性论著。主译《临床流行病学-第三版》,参编《精准健康管理》、《流行病学研究实例(第五卷)》、《整合肿瘤学》等学术专著。申报大数据挖掘技术与应用相关方向发明专利4项,获批软件著作权1项。




1.        Liu M#, Zhou R#, Liu Z#, Guo C, Xu R, Zhou F, Liu A, Yang H, Li F, Duan L, Shen L, Wu Q, Zheng H, Tian H, Liu F, Liu Y, Pan Y, Chen H, Hu Z, Cai H, He Z*, and Ke Y*. Update and validation of a diagnostic model to identify prevalent malignant lesions in esophagus in general population. EClinicalMedicine, 2022.47:101394.

2.        Liu M#, Liu Y#, Zhou R#, Liu Z, Guo C, Xu R, Li F, Liu A, Yang H, Zhang S, Shen L, Duan L, Wu Q, Zhao M, Su H, Liu F, Pan Y, Cai H, He Z*, and Ke Y*. Absence of NOTCH1 mutation and presence of CDKN2A deletion predict progression of esophageal lesions. J Pathol. 2022. Publish Ahead of Print.

3.        Li F, Hu Y, Guo C, Lei L, Li F, Liu M, Liu Z, Pan Y, Liu F, Liu Y, Hu Z, Chen H, He Z*, and Ke Y*. Economic Burden Conferred by Population-Level Cancer Screening on Resource-Limited Communities: Lessons from the ESECC Trial. Front Oncol, 2022. 12:849368

4.        Liang L#, Liu F#, Yang W#, Yang W#, Chen L#, He Y, Liu Z, Zhang L, Zhang F, Cai F, Xu H, Lin M, Liu M, Pan Y, Liu Y, Hu Z, Chen H, He Z*, and Ke Y*. Combined mean corpuscular hemoglobin, fibrinogen and albumin (MF-A) is a novel prognostic marker in patients with resectable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol, 2022. Publish Ahead of Print.

5.        Tian H, Hu Y, Li Q, Lei L, Liu Z, Liu M, Guo C, Liu F, Liu Y, Pan Y, Dos-Santos-Silva I*, He Z*, and Ke Y*. Estimating cancer survival and prevalence with the Medical-Insurance-System-based Cancer Surveillance System (MIS-CASS): An empirical study in China. EClinicalMedicine, 2021. 33: 100756.

6.        Liu F#, Yang W#, Yang W#, Xu R#, Chen L#, He Y#, Liu Z#, Zhou F#, Hou B, Zhang L, Zhang F, Cai F, Xu H, Lin M, Liu M, Pan Y, Liu Y, Hu Z, Chen H, He Z*, and Ke Y*. Minimally invasive or open esophagectomy for treatment of resectable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma? Answer from a real-world multicenter study. Ann Surg, 2021. Publish Ahead of Print.

7.        Yang W#, Liu F#, Xu R#, Yang W#, He Y#, Liu Z#, Zhou F#, Heng F, Hou B, Zhang L, Chen L, Zhang F, Cai F, Xu H, Lin M, Liu M, Pan Y, Liu Y, Hu Z, Chen H, He Z*, and Ke Y*. Is adjuvant therapy a better option for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with esophagectomy? A prognosis prediction model based on multicenter real-world data. Ann Surg, 2021. Publish Ahead of Print.

8.        Wang M#, Liu F#, Pan Y#, Xu R, Li F, Liu A, Yang H, Duan L, Shen L, Wu Q, Liu Y, Liu M, Liu Z, Hu Z, Chen H, Cai H, He Z*, and Ke Y*. Tumor-associated autoantibodies in ESCC screening: Detecting prevalent early-stage malignancy or predicting future cancer risk? EBioMedicine, 2021. 73: 103674.

9.        Liu M#, Zhou R#, Guo C, Xu R, Liu A, Yang H, Li F, Duan L, Shen L, Wu Q, Liu Z, Liu F, Liu Y, Pan Y, Cai H, Weiss NS*, He Z* and Ke Y*. Size of Lugol-unstained lesions as a predictor for risk of progression in premalignant lesions of the esophagus. Gastrointest Endosc, 2021. 93(5):1065-1073.

10.    Wang H, Liu Z, Guo C, Liu M, He Y, Tian H, Pan Y, Liu F, Liu Y, Hu Z, Chen H, He Z, and Ke Y, Health-seeking behavior and barriers to treatment of patients with upper gastrointestinal cancer detected by screening in rural China: real-world evidence from the ESECC trial. Lancet Reg Health West Pac, 2021. 12: 100181

11.    Wang M#, Liu M#, Guo C, Li F, Liu Z, Pan Y, Liu F, Liu Y, Bao H, Hu Z, Cai H, He Z*, and Ke Y*. Association of early-life undernutrition and risk of dyslipidemia in adulthood: a population-based cohort study. BMC Public Health, 2021. 21(1): 2129.

12.    Zhou R#, Zheng H#, Liu M#, Liu Z#, Guo C, Tian H, Liu F, Liu Y, Pan Y, Chen H, Hu Z, Cai H, He Z*, and Ke Y*. Development and validation of a questionnaire-based risk scoring system to identify individuals at high risk for gastric cancer in Chinese populations. Chin J Cancer Res, 2021. 33(6):649-658.

13.    Tian H#, Liu W#, Song Y, Mi L, Liu Z, Liu M, Guo C, Liu F, Liu Y, Pan Y, Zhu J*, He Z*, and Ke Y. The Incidence of Lymphoma in Beijing: Comparing Results from MIS-CASS (2019) and Beijing Cancer Registry (2017). China CDC Weekly, 2021, 3(52): 1118-1125.

14.    Tian H#, Yang W#, Hu Y#, Liu Z#, Chen L, Lei L, Zhang F, Cai F, Xu H, Liu M, Guo C, Chen Y, Xiao P, Chen J, Ji P, Fang Z, Liu F, Liu Y, Pan Y, Dos-Santos-Silva I, He Z* and Ke Y*. Estimating cancer incidence based on claims data from medical insurance systems in two areas lacking cancer registries in China. EClinicalMedicine, 2020. 20:100312.

15.    Liu M#, Liu Z#, Liu F#, Guo C, Xu R, Li F, Liu A, Yang H, Zhang S, Shen L, Duan L, Wu Q, Cao C, Pan Y, Liu Y, Li J, Cai H, He Z* and Ke Y*. Absence of Iodine Staining Associates with Progression of Esophageal Lesions in a Prospective Endoscopic Surveillance Study in China. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2020. 18(7):1626-1635.

16.    Liu Z#, Guo C#, He Y#, Chen Y#, Ji P#, Fang Z#, Li F, Tang Y, Chen X, Xiao P, Wang C, Yin W, Guo H, Liu M, Pan Y, Liu F, Liu Y, He Z* and Ke Y*. A clinical model predicting the risk of esophageal high-grade lesions in opportunistic screening: a multicenter real-world study in China. Gastrointest Endosc, 2020. 91(6):1253-1260.

17.    Wang M#, Liu M#, Li F, Guo C, Liu Z, Pan Y, Liu Y, Liu F, Cai H, Wu Y, He Z* and Ke Y*. Gender heterogeneity in dyslipidemia prevalence, trends with age and associated factors in middle age rural Chinese. Lipids Health Dis, 2020. 19(1):135.

18.    Liu F#, Liu M#, Liu Y#, Guo C, Zhou Y, Li F, Xu R, Liu Z, Deng Q, Li X, Zhang C, Pan Y, Ning T, Dong X, Hu Z, Bao H, Cai H, Silva IDS*, He Z*, and Ke Y*, Oral microbiome and risk of malignant esophageal lesions in a high-risk area of China: A nested case-control study. Chin J Cancer Res, 2020. 32(6): 742-754.

19.    He Z and Ke Y*, Precision screening for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in China. Chin J Cancer Res, 2020. 32(6): 673-682.

20.    Wang H#, Cao C#, Guo C, He Y, Li F, Xu R, Liu M, Liu Z, Pan Y, Liu F, Liu Y, Li J, Cai H, He Z* and Ke Y*. An evaluation of EQ-5D-3L health utility scores using five country-specific tariffs in a rural population aged 45-69 years in Hua county, Henan province, China. Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2020. 18(1):228.

21.    He Z#, Liu Z#, Liu M#, Guo C, Xu R, Li F, Liu A, Yang H, Shen L, Wu Q, Duan L, Li X, Zhang C, Pan Y, Cai H* and Ke Y*. Efficacy of endoscopic screening for esophageal cancer in China (ESECC): design and preliminary results of a population-based randomised controlled trial. Gut, 2019. 68(2):198-206.

22.    Shi C#, Liu M#, Liu Z, Guo C, Li F, Xu R, Liu F, Liu Y, Li J, Cai H, He Z* and Ke Y*. Using health insurance reimbursement data to identify incident cancer cases. J Clin Epidemiol, 2019. 114:141-149.

23.    Liu M#, He Z#, Guo C, Xu R, Li F, Ning T, Pan Y, Li Y, Ding H, Zheng L, Zhou Y, Tian X, Yang W, Wang X, Lu F, Zhang Y, Zhao Y, Guo F, Chen K, Gao L, Sun M, Liu Y, Liu F, Hang D, Shen N, Li J, Xu Z, Wang Q, Zhang C, Abliz A, Deng Q, Li X, Liu Z, Zhang C, Yuan W, Wang H, Weiss NS*, Cai H* and Ke Y*. Effectiveness of Intensive Endoscopic Screening for Esophageal Cancer in China: A Community-Based Study. Am J Epidemiol, 2019. 188(4):776-784.

24.    Li F#, Li X#, Guo C, Xu R, Li F, Pan Y, Liu M, Liu Z, Shi C, Wang H, Wang M, Tian H, Liu F, Liu Y, Li J, Cai H, Yang L, He Z* and Ke Y*. Estimation of Cost for Endoscopic Screening for Esophageal Cancer in a High-Risk Population in Rural China: Results from a Population-Level Randomized Controlled Trial. Pharmacoeconomics, 2019. 37(6):819-827.

25.    Tian H, Xu R, Li F, Guo C, Zhang L, Liu Z, Liu M, Pan Y, He Z* and Ke Y*. Identification of cancer patients using claims data from health insurance systems: A real-world comparative study. Chin J Cancer Res, 2019. 31(4):699-706.

26.    Liu M#, Liu F#, Pan Y#, He Z#, Guo C, Zhang C, Li X, Hang D, Wang Q, Liu Y, Li J, Liu Z, Cai H and Ke Y*. Viral Load in the Natural History of Human Papillomavirus Infection Among Men in Rural China: A Population-based Prospective Study. Clin Infect Dis, 2018. 67(12):1861-1867.

27.    Li J#, Xu R#, Liu M#, Cai H, Cao C, Liu F, Li F, Guo C, Pan Y, He Z* and Ke Y*. Lugol Chromoendoscopy Detects Esophageal Dysplasia with Low Levels of Sensitivity in a High-Risk Region of China. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2018. 16(10):1585-1592.

28.    Wang H#, Pan Y#, Guo C, Li F, Xu R, Liu M, Liu Z, Liu F, Cai H, Ke Y* and He Z*. Health-related quality of life among rural residents aged 45-69 years in Hua County, Henan Province, China: Results of ESECC Trial for esophageal cancer screening with endoscopy. Chin J Cancer Res, 2018. 30(2):240-253.

29.    Liu M#, Liu Z#, Cai H, Guo C, Li X, Zhang C, Wang H, Hang D, Liu F, Deng Q, Yang X, Yuan W, Pan Y, Li J, Zhang C, Shen N, He Z* and Ke Y*. A Model To Identify Individuals at High Risk for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Precancerous Lesions in Regions of High Prevalence in China. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2017. 15(10):1538-1546.

30.    Lin T#, Liu T#, Lin Y, Zhang C, Yan L, Chen Z, He Z* and Wang J*. Serum levels of chemical elements in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Anyang, China: a case-control study based on machine learning methods. BMJ Open, 2017. 7(9): e015443.

