

主任医师 | 风湿病科









1.Sheng N#, Wang WW#, Zhang B, Zhao JJ, Chen HJ, Feng PF, Gao YY*,Chen XX*. Evaluation of Tag Single-Nucleotide Polymorphismsfor Identifying HLA-B27 Status in a Chinese Han Population.Rheumatol. 2022 Dec 15;jrheum.220958.

2.Li J, Xue ZX, Wu ZB, Bi LQ, Liu HX, Wu LJ, Liu SY, Huang XY, WangY, Zhang Y, Qi WF, He L, Dai L, Sun LY, Li XM, Shuai ZW, Zhao Y,Wang YY, Xu J, Zhang H, Hao Yu, Chen XX & Bao CD.Comparison of the efficacy and safety of the adalimumab biosimilarTQ-Z2301 and adalimumab for the treatment of Chinese patients withactive ankylosing spondylitis: a multi-center, randomized,double-blind, phase III clinical trial. Clin Rheumatol. 2022Oct;41(10):3005-3016.(共通讯)

3.Li YX #, Guo RR #, Li WJ #, Feng JQ, Jin YY, Li J, Lu LJ,Feng XB,Chen XX*. Serosal involvement in adult-onset Still’s disease: Amulticentre and retrospective study. Modern Rheumatology, roac048,2022.(通讯)

4.Li YX#, Cao S, Gaculenko A, Zhan YF, Bozec A, Chen XX*. DistinctMetabolism of Bone Marrow Adipocytes and their Role in BoneMetastasis. Front Endcro, 2022 Jun 21;13:902033. (通讯)

5.Feng JQ#, Li J#, Yixuan Li, Jin YY, Du F, Chen XX*. ElevatedSerum D-Dimer May Reflect the Presence of Gut Inflammation inSpondyloarthritis. Front. Med., 21 January 2022. (通讯)

6.Zhang LL# , Liu X , Chen X, Warden AR, Yu YY, Huang BZ, Ding XT*. SCANCell reveals diverse inter-cluster interaction patterns insystemic lupus erythematosus across the disease spectrum.Bioinformatics, 2021. Oct 19;btab713.

7.Cai Yilin #, Huang Shiyi, Zhang Zhinan, Zhang Jiazheng, ZhuXingyue, Chen Xiaoxiang, and Ding Xianting *. Bioinspired RotationMicroneedles for Accurate Transdermal Positioning andUltraminimal-Invasive Biomarker Detection with MechanicalRobustness. Research. Volume 2022, Article ID 9869734.

8.Lv X, Jin YY, Zhang DT, Li YX, Fu YK, Wang SL, Ye Y, Wu WL, Ye S, Yan B, Chen XX*. LowCirculating Monocytes Is in Parallel With Lymphopenia WhichPredicts Poor Outcome in Anti-melanoma Differentiation-AssociatedGene 5 Antibody-Positive Dermatomyositis-Associated InterstitialLung Disease. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Jan 17;8:808875.(通讯)

9.Cao S, Meng XY, Li YX, Sun L, Jiang LD, Xuan HQ*, Chen XX*. BileAcids Elevated in Chronic Periaortitis Could ActivateFarnesoid-X-Receptor to Suppress IL-6 Production by Macrophages.Front Immunol. 2021 Apr 22;12:632864.(通讯作者,IF=8.64)

10.Li J, Rong L, Cui Ran, Feng JQ, Jin YY, Chen XX*, Xu RY*.Dynamic changes in serum IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 predict the outcomeof ICU patients with severe COVID-19. Ann Palliat Med, 2021Apr;10(4):3706-3714.(共通讯作者,IF=2.6)

11.Meng XY#, Guo RR#, Fan CF, Li YX, Xuesong Liu, Chen XX*, Lu LJ*.RIPK1 downregulation enhances neutrophil extracellular traps inpsoriasis. Postepy Dermatol Alergol, 2020. (accepted,共通讯,IF=2.8)

12.Chen GL, Li R, Chen XX#, Wang J, Cao S, Song R, Zhao MC, Li LM,Hannemmann N, Schett G, Qian C, Bozec A. Fra-2/AP-1 regulatesmelanoma cell metastasis by downregulating Fam212b. Cell DeathDiffer. 2021 Apr;28(4):1364-1378.(共第一作者,IF=12.07)

13.Lin Y, Chen XX#, Ding H, Ye P, Gu J, Wang X, Jiang Z, Li D, WangZ, Long W, Li Z, Jiang G, Li X, Bi L, Jiang L, Wu J, Guo L, Cai X,Lu X, Chen Q, Chen H, Peng A, Zuo X, Ning R, Zhang Z, Tai Y, ZhangT, Bao C. Efficacy and safety of a selective URAT1 inhibitorSHR4640 in Chinese subjects with hyperuricemia: a randomizedcontrolled phase II study. Rheumatology (Oxford) . 2021 Mar8;keab198.(共第一作者,IF=7.58)

14.Shen L,Yan QR,Chen XX*. Efficacy of Combination Therapy WithPirfenidone and Low-Dose Cyclophosphamide for RefractoryInterstitial Lung Disease Associated With Connective TissueDisease: A Case-Series of Seven Patients. Arch Rheumatol 2020;35.(通讯作者,IF= 1.47)

15.Lin Z, Meng XY, Wen JM, Corral JM, Andreev D, Katerina KachlerK, Schett G, Chen XX, Bozec A. Intratumor Heterogeneity CorrelatesWith Reduced Immune Activity and Worse Survival in MelanomaPatients. Front Oncol. 2020 Dec 4;10:596493.

16.Hannemann N, Cao S, Eriksson D, Schnelzer A, Jordan J, EberhardtM, Schleicher U, Rech J, Ramming A, Uebe S, Ekici A, Ca�ete JD,Chen X, B�uerle T, Vera J, Bogdan C, Schett G, Bozec A.Transcription factor Fra-1 targets arginase-1 to enhancemacrophage-mediated inflammation in arthritis. J Clin Invest. 2019Apr 16;129(7):2669-2684.

17.Guo RR, ZhangT , Meng XY, Lin Z, Lin JR, Gong Y, Liu XS, Yu YT,Zhao GL, Ding XT, Chen XX*, Lu LJ*. Lymphocyte mass cytometryidentifies a CD3-CD4 cell subset with a potential role inpsoriasis. JCI Insight. 2019 Mar 21;4(6):e125306.(共通讯作者,IF=6.2)

18.Guo RR, Tu Y , Cao S, Lin Z, Song Y, Wang SL , Chen XX *,Liangjing Lu*. Abnormal expression of receptor-interacting proteinkinase-1 involves in neutrophil extracellular trap formation inpatients with systemic lupus erythematosus. [Cellular Physiologyand Biochemistry] 2018, 45:2317-2328.(共通讯)

19.Deng J, Fan C, Gao X, Zeng Q, Guo R, Wei Y, Chen Z, Chen Y, GongD, Feng J, Xia Y, Xiang S, Gong S, Yuan L, Shen W, Shen W, Lin L,Jiang T, He D, Lu L, Chen X*, Yu D. Signal Transducer and Activatorof Transcription 3 Hyperactivation Associates With FollicularHelper T Cell Differentiation and Disease Activity in RheumatoidArthritis. Front Immunol. 2018 Jun 4;9:1226. (共通讯作者,IF=4.79)

20.Wang J, Chen GL, Cao S, Zhao MC, Liu YQ, Chen XX, Qian C.Adipogenic niches for melanoma cell colonization and growth in bonemarrow. Lab Invest. 2017 Jun;97(6):737-745.

21.Chen XX*, Li ZG, Wu HX, Zhao DB, Li XF, Xu JH, Tao Y, Yang NP,Hu SX, Huang AB, Jiang LD, Wang GC, Zhang X, Bao CD. A randomized,controlled trial of efficacy and safety of Anbainuo, a bio-similaretanercept, for moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritisinadequately responding to methotrexate. Clin Rheumatol. 2016Sep;35(9):2175-83.

22.Chen GL, Luo Y, Eriksson D, Meng X, Qian C, B�uerle T, Chen XX,Schett G, Bozec A. High fat diet increases melanoma cell growth inthe bone marrow by inducing osteopontin and interleukin 6.Oncotarget. 2016 May 3;7(18):26653-69.

23.Chen XX#, Chen YQ, Ye S. Measuring decreased serum IgGsialylation: a novel clinical biomarker of lupus. Lupus. 2015Aug;24(9):948-54. (通讯作者)

24.Cheng H,Chen XX#, Ye S. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Maron III)concomitant with Takayasu arteritis: A case report. Gazzetta MedicaItaliana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche. 2015,74(1-2):71-5.

25.Chen XX#, Baum W, Dwyer D, Stock M, Schwabe K, Ke HZ, Stolina M,Schett G, Bozec A. Sclerostin inhibition reverses systemic,periarticular and local bone loss in arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013Oct;72(10):1732-6. (IF=9.22)

26.Chen XX#, Dai Q, Huang AB, Wu HX, Zhao DB, Li XF, Hu SX, YangNP, Tao Y, Xu JH, Jiang LD, Bao CD. A multicenter, randomized,double-blind clinical trial of combination therapy with Anbainuo, anovel recombinant human TNFRII:Fc fusion protein, plus methotrexateversus methotrexate alone or Anbainuo alone in Chinese patientswith moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Rheumatol. 2012Oct 4.

27. Guo L, Chen XX, Gu YY, Zou HJ, Ye S.Low-dose imatinib in thetreatment of severe systemic sclerosis: a case series of sixChinese patients and literature review. Clin Rheumatol. 2012Sep;31(9):1395-400.

28.Lu XY, Chen XX#, Huang LD, Zhu CQ, Gu YY, Ye S.Anti-alpha-internexin autoantibody from neuropsychiatric lupusinduce cognitive damage via inhibiting axonal elongation andpromote neuron apoptosis. PLoS One. 2010 Jun15;5(6):e11124.(共同第一作者)

29. Lu X, Zhu C, Qian J, Chen X, Ye S, Gu Y. Intrathecal cytokineand chemokine profiling in neuropsychiatric lupus or lupuscomplicated with central nervous system infection. Lupus.2010,19(6):689-95.

30.Chen S, Sims GP, Chen XX, Gu YY, Chen S, Lipsky PE. Modulatoryeffects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on human B celldifferentiation. J Immunol. 2007 Aug 1;179(3):1634-47.

31.Chen XX#, Gu YY, Yang CD, et al. Some plasmin-induced antibodiesbind to cardiolipin, display lupus anticoagulant activity andinduce fetal loss in mice. Journal of immunology. 2007,15;178(8):5351-6.(IF=6.22)


1.2022YFF0710202, “质谱流式配套试剂”子课题“基于新型纳米结构的元素标记探针开发”,科技部重点研发项目,130万,主持。

2.81971534,Fra2/AP-1通过OX40 细胞调节银屑病的免疫学机制。NSFC,20120.1-2023.12,55万,主持。


4.上海市科委国际合作重点项目: 14430712000 ;《HIF1α通过骨髓B细胞调节破骨细胞分化和关节炎症的机制》,2014.7-2017.7,50万,主持。

5.国家自然基金面上项目(81273306)。《狼疮致病靶分子 OAS1 新功能的研究:通过pre-miR-105对自身抗体唾液酸化调节机制》,2013.1-2016.12,60万,主持。


